---> Yan's Ramblings, Rantings and Writings <---

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Cool-looking Keanu Reeves as Neo

About This Gal:

Me: Yan
Am: The current mood of chunyan_b@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
Age: 21
B'day: 4 March
Sign: Pisces
Year: Doggie
Stone: Aquamarine
Studying: Law
Stays: Cardiff (term time), KL (vacation)
Now: Revising for EXAMS!!! *sigh*
Interests: Royal Family (UK + Monaco), F1, Celeb gossips, Shopping, Movies
Loathes: Cockroaches, Hipocrites, Show-offs
Would luv to: Learn oil painting, speak Mandarin fluently, own a BMW Z3, cook like Jamie Oliver and win 1 million in WWTBAMillionaire

Genres: Mystery, Detective, Diaries, True stories
Books: Bridget Jones, Adrian Mole, Runaway Jury, Master of the Game, Green Gable series
Authors: Helen Fielding, Sidney Sheldon, Sue Townsend, John Grisham, Barbara Taylor Bradford
Music: Pop, Rock, Dance, Oldies, Sentimental
Movies: Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Red Dragon & Emma
TV: Ally McBeal, The Practice, Superman, Dharma & Greg, Chinese Serials
Celeb: Prince William
Actor: Ben Affleck, Dean Cain, Tom Cruise, Louis Koo, Gallen Lo
Actress: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gywneth Paltrow, Meg Ryan
Sports: Badminton, F1 Racing (BMW-Williams)
F1 Drivers: Ralf Schumacher, Alex Yoong
Place: My previous room in Cardiff (many wonderful memories)
Quotes: God helps those who help themselves

Wish List:
My Wish List

Kindred Spirits:
drop by...

MSS Cardiff
Heaven-Bound Train
(friend's band)

Interesting sites:
Don't you sometimes wonder whether the stuff u get from emails are suspicious or doubtful? You can check them out to see if they are really true from this site: BreakTheChain.org - Click here to stop the junk!


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Thursday, August 14, 2003

Yesterday was caught in the most raging thunderstorm since I dunno how long ago. Went shopping with my mum at 1 Utama and when we went back it was raining cats and dogs!! We could barely see the road when we drove back...the rain was ferocious! And after that I actually felt cold in Malaysia without any use of air-conditioners.

Made a pact with myself that I need to finish the 1st Harry Potter book as quickly as possible and achieved it minutes ago when I finished it. Yea, I know I am way out-dated, the book has been out ages and I only discovered its delights a few weeks ago. But then better late than never I guess. The book is truly well-written and witty...keeps me turning the pages without stopping even for toilet break! hehe...when reading it, I feel like I am actually there with HP and his friends in Hogwarts, probably the movie helped me to better imagine the wicked sneering face of Draco Malfroy as well as feeling Prof. Snape's piercing eyes on me. It's was a very good read. Will advance to the next book tonight. Hope to finish all 4 by the time I go back to UK. Don't want to lug them all the way back.

Hmm....been burying myself in the book for so long, need a good break...probably play the Sims for a while now! yay!! *grins*

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Yesterday met up with the Cardiff bunch...had quite a nice time, rounding KLCC and window-shopping. Though I did get some stuffs, just a book, recommended by Aki, "Picture of Dorian Gray" and a scrungy from Teddy Tales. Hmm....my friends said that I grew thinner and my tan has gone...hehe, am so happy *jumps for joy*. I don't wanna look like Justice Pao's sister!! =) Though I dunno about the thinner part, I was afraid I might put on weight cos of the good food here and also lack of exercise...not much walking to do here. But anyway, it was nice to see them again and catch up. It is merely just 3 weeks since I saw them but then it seems like a long long time. Think we all miss each others' presence as we spent a substantial amount of time together everyday back in UK. Until when one person in the group went back to KL, we very much felt the absence.

Then last night went back for dinner with my extended family. It was to celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival...just some tradition that all of the family must go back and have dinner together. Played with my young cousins, who are growing cuter and smarter everyday. My youngest cousin, is very cute!! Has chubby cheeks that you just want to pinch!! And he is a food-greedy kid! Just mention the word "eat" or "food" and he will look at you longingly and ignore whatever else he is doing. His sister is much more of a chatterbox being the inquisitive 5-year-old she is. After dinner, showed them how to play some tunes on the organ. They were so delighted and highly entertained. Kids are really easy to please sometimes, especially when it's something they don't know how to do. When they look up to you starry-eyed, you get this lovely feeling and feel soo happy just the same. They can just make you melt! *laughs*

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Been watching lots of series, have to catch up on 10 months being deprived of any TV series. Police Station No. 7 is a nice series, Seven Sisters also a funny one. The characters there are sometimes rather funny and cute... at night have been watching Baby Boom, a Singaporean TV serie. I must say, they aredoing a rather good job. Their acting is realistic and also reflects the typical Singaporean beahviours and outlooks. Zoe Tay is good as the new mother of quadruplets, going through the rigours of motherhood and marriage. I don't quite like Gurmit Singh's character as the flirtatous guy, Adam, who has affairs left, right and centre when he already has a loving wife and 3 kids. He is really one who plays around with women, although he claims that he can diffierentiate between the main course and the dessert....yea right! Now his wife left him and he has to cope with a silly bimbo, with the figure of a stick insect, taking care of his 3 kids....well, he discovered that stick insect has been abusing his children, and he has now sensibly packed her out and chased her out of his house.

Sigh.....it will not be long until I have to go off back to UK. In a way I like it there but also there are certain orrather MANY things I will miss. But that is life....can't have my cake and eat it, as always.

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