---> Yan's Ramblings, Rantings and Writings <---

Hot Stuff!

Cool-looking Keanu Reeves as Neo

About This Gal:

Me: Yan
Am: The current mood of chunyan_b@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
Age: 21
B'day: 4 March
Sign: Pisces
Year: Doggie
Stone: Aquamarine
Studying: Law
Stays: Cardiff (term time), KL (vacation)
Now: Revising for EXAMS!!! *sigh*
Interests: Royal Family (UK + Monaco), F1, Celeb gossips, Shopping, Movies
Loathes: Cockroaches, Hipocrites, Show-offs
Would luv to: Learn oil painting, speak Mandarin fluently, own a BMW Z3, cook like Jamie Oliver and win 1 million in WWTBAMillionaire

Genres: Mystery, Detective, Diaries, True stories
Books: Bridget Jones, Adrian Mole, Runaway Jury, Master of the Game, Green Gable series
Authors: Helen Fielding, Sidney Sheldon, Sue Townsend, John Grisham, Barbara Taylor Bradford
Music: Pop, Rock, Dance, Oldies, Sentimental
Movies: Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Red Dragon & Emma
TV: Ally McBeal, The Practice, Superman, Dharma & Greg, Chinese Serials
Celeb: Prince William
Actor: Ben Affleck, Dean Cain, Tom Cruise, Louis Koo, Gallen Lo
Actress: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gywneth Paltrow, Meg Ryan
Sports: Badminton, F1 Racing (BMW-Williams)
F1 Drivers: Ralf Schumacher, Alex Yoong
Place: My previous room in Cardiff (many wonderful memories)
Quotes: God helps those who help themselves

Wish List:
My Wish List

Kindred Spirits:
drop by...

MSS Cardiff
Heaven-Bound Train
(friend's band)

Interesting sites:
Don't you sometimes wonder whether the stuff u get from emails are suspicious or doubtful? You can check them out to see if they are really true from this site: BreakTheChain.org - Click here to stop the junk!


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Saturday, August 23, 2003

Been hacking non-stop last nite.....my sickness progressed to the coughing phrase now, as usual. *sigh* *cough* *cough* It's so irritaitng to be coughing after every 5 minutes.....sheesh!! Hurry up and get well you....

Just talked to Aki, who will be fliying off in one hour's time. She dreads going back, but then she HAS to do it. No running away...but then, it's not THAT bad, Aki. See you there very soon...and keep me posted as to the happenings there, don't forget to sms me ok?

Hope I get well soon. Tomorrow am meeting my aunties and cousin, having high-tea! Yay!! *grins* Gtg now, before I start hacking my dear lungs away....*cough*

Friday, August 22, 2003

This morning, slept in late.....aaahhh, feels so nice to lie in bed. Feeling not up to my normal self, probably cos am sick. Throat is better, just coughing a little now. But it's nice to rest and do nothing. Just now had a nice long chat with Aki. She invited me to be her blog crew member! hahaha.....but have to get my frontpage first. Aki will be flying off tomorrow back to her "hell-hole".....but then I reminded her that her hell-hole will have the nicest shopping, and her uni's network from which she can have a hell-of-a-time downloading her beloved animes. Nothing compared to my uni's firewalled network, from which I can't even send files through ICQ. *grimaces* Aki, you're lucky la ok? Plus, Bristol is much bigger and has more things....although I still love Cardiff....hehehe =)

These days, more stuffs pre-occupy my mind. Certain things which I have to worry about. Though I am not suppose to worry about. But then will have to get on top of it and banish the thoughts from my poor brains, which have been suffering for sometime. I wanna have Harry Potter as my friend, so he can help me do some magic on certain ppl......turn them to bugs or slugs! hahaha.....ok, that was evil, but then it cannot become real anyways. *sigh*

Well, am off now. Nothing much to say.....

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Arrrghhhhh!!!! I just lost the whole new post which I was typing. I saved it but now I can't find it!! Sheesh!! What a dumb thing blogger is.....it can't even save a post, so now I am gonna try my best to retype all that I was remember from my post just now.

Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat. Could feel my left side of my throat sore and swollen. But still had my voice. Was thinking whether to cancel my lunch appointment with Aki and her friend Joo. But then after some consideration, decided to go on with it cos it's been months since I have met up with Aki... plus she is leaving this Saturday.

Reached her place at about 12.30 and then chatted with her and while showing her my photos over the months. Nice of Aki to ask her mum to make me honey tea to soothe my throat. Waited for Joo, and he came at about 1.15pm...drove us in this 4WD to KLCC, to Aki's fav restaurant, Nippon Tei and ordered myself a chicken yaki udon. It's been a while since I had yaki udon, the last time was at Tenkaichi, Cardiff. It was delicious, and I dug into it when it came. During lunch was talking about Aki's views about marriage, choice of life-partner and raising kids. We had a hard time convincing Aki to change her views as she is very determined on her stand. Joo was trying very hard to change Aki's mind, but I know that she is unflinching in her views and won't be so easily influenced. Anyway, we hope that Aki will keep our advice at the back of her head and maybe someday she will see our point. =) I can see Aki shaking her head vigorously now saying "No! NEVER!!" hehehe.....Aki, I know you too well, don't I? *grins* Hmm, I surprised myself and Aki, as to how well I know her. It's like I know when she is angry, what is is irritated at, what she is thinking about etc. etc.......hehehe, maybe we were twins in out past lives or something!

Anyway, my first meeting with Joo. Found him a nice guy, thoughtful and a gentleman. He treated Aki and me as well. I felt kinda bad cos it's not like I know him very well....but yet he insisted on paying for my lunch. Well, maybe he was being nice to Aki's friend....hehehe But anyway, thanks Joo for the lunch. =)

Watched the last episode of Police Station No. 7 last night. Found the ending quite abrupt....the director ended everything in one last episode, like he was rushing through the show. Everything bad happened to Yip Ka Sing and his family all at once. Too much of a coincidence is you ask me. And also didn't like it that Poh Yin had to go to prison for accepting the bribery money. I mean, she is innocent and was co-erced into accepting the money. She is such a sweet, innocent, obedient and nice girl, too nice to be jailed. Really didn't like that part of the show. Probably, the moral it's trying to teach us is that no matter how innocent you think your actions are, if it is a crime then it is a crime and you will have to be punished for it. Tonight will watch the new series stariing Lisa Wang.

After this will be watching "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" thanks to Aki. I know I'm outdated, that shows been out ages ago. But I missed it so am gonna watch it later. I enjoyed all of Harry Potter's books and am reading the 4th book now. Very interesting and just can't put it down.

My throat is a bit more worse than yeaterday. Too lazy to talk so I have been keeping my mouth shut since this morning....hurts everytime I talk or drink water. Sheesh! Hate the feeling! *makes face* Explains why this post is exceptionally long....need an outlet to express myself.

Before I forget, need to congratulate Aki, on her new website. She has put in immense effort to put it up and it looks very proffesional and cool now. Red, hot, fiery would be more appropriate! hehehe......good job, Aki, and hopefully it will be better as time goes by.

Got to go now.....Harry Potter here I come!!!

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